Saturday, August 10, 2013

Start off with goals

I always seem to be running behind. So the goal of this blog is to help me prioritize my hobbies and goals in life.

Goals for August:
-Finish wedding qift in time for wedding this month
-Finish baby gear before plane flight
-Learn to use my new serger
-Complete at least one more hike with Ari from new hiking book
-Attend an ASCE meeting now that I have joined
-Sell stock and contact flight school so I am ready to start as soon as I get home from Hawaii
-Organize walk in closet
-Get in shape for Hawaii
-Try Xsport gym
-Use paddle board living social
-Try a cleaning service
-Paddle board at lake ridge marina

I am sure this list will increase faster then items get checked off!

Ari at Doggy Daycare July 2013